For Civil Contractors

Running a civil or earth-moving company these days can present challenges. The time it takes to sort through and quote on new projects is time that could be used to better care for existing clients and projects. Balancing the client's expectation of quick, high quality work for the lowest possible cost is a challenge you want to get right. Using an estimating service to help quote on upcoming projects can go a long way relieve the pressure and ultimately save you money.

Our team at Civilised Estimating can provide an estimating solution to help increase the number of accurate quotes you can provide, saving you time and the frustration of money lost to under-quoting and rectification. Our services can free you up to ensure that your company delivers the highest quality of work to your clients right on time. Happy clients result in return clients and referrals for new clients, helping you to grow your company and its reputation.

At Civilised Estimating, we know that each company is different and requires a customised estimating solution. Our team will work with you to find the estimating solution that suits your company.

What services do we offer?


Preliminary Cost Estimate

Often projects are put out for tender before the design is finalised to get an idea of the overall cost that will be involved. At this early stage, you don't want to invest too many resources to quote, but also don't want to miss on the opportunity to be considered. A Preliminary Cost Estimate will help you provide an idea of the probable cost of a project, while not investing too many resources.

Our team at Civilised Estimating can work with you to provide a quote with a Preliminary Cost Estimate from the early stages of a project's design. With the available plans, we can help you consider the feasibility of a project while showing the client your interest at the same time. Let our team apply our real-world experience for your benefit.


Detailed Cost Estimate

Once a project has its final design and is sure to proceed, it is time to finalise your tender for it. Having a clear understanding of the total cost of a project is important to be able to complete it. A Detailed Cost Estimate will provide you with a more accurate total cost, helping you to find the balance of providing a competitive tender that won't hurt your company.

Our team at Civilised Estimating can work with you to develop a Detailed Cost Estimate at this crucial point of the tendering process. Our use of current material and labour costs, coupled with real world experience, can give you an accurate understanding of the cost of a project, allowing you to confidently tender on the next big project for your company.


Bill of Quantities

When all you need to know for quoting on a project are the measurements, a Bill of Quantities is the cost effective solution for you. With the measurements broken down into the different civil disciplines, you can add your rates and quote with confidence.

Let our team at Civilised Estimating develop a Bill of Quantities to help you quote accurately on your next project. Our up-to-date software and application of current industry standards make our measurements accurate and reliable. We are interested in helping you to remove the guesswork or stress from your next quote.

contact us now for your free consultation

Let our team at Civilised Estimating work with on your next project, no matter how big or small it is.